Software installation locations

Software installation locations adminuser

Software distribution

The software for the the desktop machines (debian10), as well as the interactive batch nodes and virgo3 cluster is hosted and distributed via cvmfs (Cern Virtual Machine File System). cvmfs distributes the files to local caches in in each node. When using cvmfs for the first time it can take a while until the files are copied. Once copied, the software should load faster. For debian8 and debian10 software installations for Hydra, Hgeant and more are provided.  

From the shell

/cvmfs/ (debian8)
/cvmfs/ (debian10)

shows the installations available at GSI.
The install path keeps the root versions used and in the corresponding versions path
the depending hydra, hgeant and pluto installations. The corresponding environment
scripts ( can be found in the application directory. The software is compiled
native 64bit. 32bit compatibility mode is not supported anylonger on the GridEngine


/cvmfs/ /cvmfs/ // parameter files /cvmfs/ // source code of hydra2+hgeant2 for browsing

/cvmfs/ // parameter files /cvmfs/ // source code of hydra2+hgeant2 for browsing


Old software

In 2012 hydra was upgraded to hydra2. hydra2 is not compatible to data prior 2012. The
latest ported version of hydra and hgeant has are installed on the  /cvmfs/
and can be used to work on the current operating systems build ontop of ROOT 5.34.34.

/cvmfs/ (debian8)