
computing adminuser


ROOTROOT class documentation
HADES WebDBORACLE web interface for parameters etc.
GEANT3GEANT3 documentation at CERN
PlutoA Monte Carlo simulation tool for hadronic physics
UrQMDFrankfurt UrQMD
PHSDParton-Hadron-String-Dynamics transport Model
GiBUUThe Giessen Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck


HYDRA online Documentation

hydra-dev (ROOT docu)
doxygen docu
Developer version of hydra2
HGEANT CONFIG INFOhelp on the available options of the config file
hydra common
Parameter Intialisation, Geometry
HYDRA manuals
hydra2 + hgeant2 source code
on /cvmfs/
For browsing code using
grep etc ...
hydra_v8.21 (ROOT docu)Last release of hydra
Analysis workshop 2012workshop 2012 at GSI
Analysis workshop 2016workshop 2016 at GSI
Analysis workshop 2017workshop 2017 at GSI
DST ProductionDocumentation of the dst production


HYDRA2 Code Release Change Log

hydra2-4.9eused for jul14/aug14 DST gen1
hydra2-4.9fused for apr12 DST gen8
hydra2-4.9iused for apr12 gen8 sim DST
hydra2-4.9kused for jul14+aug14 gen2 DST
hydra2-4.9lused for apr12 gen8 embedding DST
hydra2-4.9qECAL + RICH700 integration
hydra2-5.5amar19 gen4



HYDRA Tutorials

Tracking tutorialtutorial 28.03.2013,GSI


ssh connection to GSI

ssh connection to GSI adminuser

You can connect from outside GSI to GSI linux machines via ssh.
GSI provides a login cluster for ssh   :
This cluster is not meant to be used as working machines since no software is installed here. You just use the cluster to login via ssh and connect to your target host.


ssh and afterwards ssh


ssh -J

Batch farm

Batch farm adminuser

virgo cluster

The batch farm runs on the cluster. The batch jobs are managed by the SLURM (SL) scheduler. The documentation on the cluster/SLURM can be found here.
New Hades users have to be added to the users of account hades to be able to run jobs on the farm. The list of hades users is maintained by

Some rules to work with

  • Files are written to /lustre filesystem. Each Hades user owns a directory /lustre/hades/user/${USER} to  work on the farm (NO BACKUP!)
  • SLURM does not support other files systems than /lustre. batch
    scripts can not use user's home dir nor any other filesystem
  • The hadessoftware is distributed to the batchfarm via
    /cvmfs/ (debian8) or /cvmfs/ (debian10)
    The /cvmfs/ or /cvmfs/ are available on desktop machines dependening on the OS version
  • The batch jobs can be submited to the farm from the
    cluster. This machines provides our software, the user ${HOME} and
    a file sytem mount to /lustre. You can compile and test (run) your
    programs here.
  • A set of example batch scripts for Pluto, UrQmd, HGeant, DSTs and user
    analysis you can retrieve from
    svn checkout
    The folders contain (SL).
    The general concept is to work with file lists as input to the sendScript, which
    takes care about the sync from user homedir to the submission dir on
    /lustre. The files in the list are splitted automatically to job arrays to
    minimize the load on the scheduler. The sendScript finally calls the sbatch
    command of SLURM to submit the job. The jobScript is the part which
    runs on the batch nodes.

Working on the batch farm of GSI:

virgo cluster documentation:

ssh key autentication


Since 1st of September 2021 we have two software environments

debian10: neweset software releases compiled with root 6.24.02 and gcc 8.3
         use this for current beam mar19 analysis of dst files. The login to
         the farm will use (debian10,ROOT6) and no special action
         for handling the container environment with singularity is needed.
         It works as the not anymore vailable
debian8: old software releases compiled with root 5.34.34 and gcc 4.9.2
        This covers all versions up to hydra2-5.6a used for dst productions
        of apr12,aug14,jul14, mar19 (gen5) pre 1st of September 2021
        use this to get exact same behaviour as before the switch and do
        not want to change any software. To make the environment work
        some handling of the singularity options are needed to start and
        submit jobs using this container environment. It will be described



virgo cluster usage information:
  bone to start your container), 
  (debian10 container started at login)

Problems and tips:
  •  if your login to
     does not work although you have/created ssh keys
     try to cleanup .ssh/authorized_keys from other
     keys which need other credentials and might cause
  •  ksh does not work with the login, 
     use bash (
     ksh is not installed at virgo and will
     lead to permission denied statements without further
     explanation. will
     be responsable to change your login shell.
     It will take a while to see the changes, syncs
     are performed once per day at 22:00.
  •  X does not work at virgo at the moment :
     a. use (debian10 or any debian10 desktop machine) to look at /lustre output
        use sshfs to mount /lustre to any linux machine which
        has no mount of /lustre already. 
        To mount /lustre us

    sshfs mymountpoint
    sshfs mymountpoint
 will not work with sshfs
         since the machine will be closed after the sshfs command has been returned.

  •  our for batch submission before using singularity containers
     needs a small modification for virgo:

    # from inside virgo container
        command="--array=1-${stop} ${resources} -D ${submissiondir}  --      output=${pathoutputlog}/slurm-%A_%a.out -- ${jobscript} ${submissiondir}/${jobarrayFile} ${pathoutputlog} ${arrayoffset}"
       for virgo there is an additional " -- " between slurm options and 
        the user scripts+parameters of the script which should be started
        at the farm. This is needed since slurm seperates from the container
        which is started. The container version is choosen from the submit host


debian10 container login:

ssh            (virgo)

This command will start a container based instance
of gsi debian10.


debian8 container login:

working environment debian8:
1. login   ssh   
2. start debian8 container:   

export SSHD_CONTAINER_OPTIONS="--bind /etc/slurm,/var/run/munge,/var/spool/slurm,/var/lib/sss/pipes/nss,/cvmfs/,/cvmfs/,/cvmfs/,/cvmfs/"
shell=$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d : -f 7)
   srun() { srun-nowrap --singularity-no-bind-defaults "\$@"; }
   sbatch() { sbatch-nowrap --singularity-no-bind-defaults "\$@"; }
   export -f srun sbatch
   $shell -l
export SINGULARITYENV_PS1="\u@\h:\w > "
test -f /etc/motd && cat /etc/motd
echo Container launched: $(realpath $SSHD_CONTAINER_DEFAULT)

This environment will allow to compile and use code.
and access the SLURM commands will not work on debian8. + allow to use

3. our for batch submission works
  for the login. NO ADDITIONAL NEEDED
  (see below)!

submission of batchjobs for debian8 virgo3:

1. login to
2. modifiy your to use
  to start the debian8 container on the farm.
singularity exec \
-B /cvmfs/ \
-B /cvmfs/ \
-B /cvmfs/ \
-B /lustre \
/cvmfs/  ${jobscript} ${jobarrayFile} ${pathoutputlog} ${arrayoffset}

in in the lower part where the sbatch command is build:
    #virgo bare bone submit using 
    command="--array=1-${stop} ${resources} -D ${submissiondir}  --output=${pathoutputlog}/slurm-%A_%a.out -- ${wrap} ${jobscript} ${submissiondir}/${jobarrayFile} ${pathoutputlog} ${arrayoffset}"

SLURM tips:

The most relevant commands to work with SL:

sbatch   : sbatch  submits  a  batch script to SLURM.
squeue   : used to view job and job step information for jobs managed by SLURM.
scancel  : used to signal or cancel jobs, job arrays or job steps.
sinfo    : used to view partition and node information for a system running SLURM.
sreport  : used to generate reports of job usage and cluster utilization for
		   SLURM jobs saved to the SLURM Database.
scontrol : used  to  view  or modify Slurm configuration including: job, 
           job step, node, partition,reservation, and overall system configuration.
squeue  -u  user             : show all jobs of user
squeue -t  R                 : show jobs in a certain state (PENDING (PD),
                               RUNNING (R), SUSPENDED (S),COMPLETING (CG),
                               COMPLETED (CD), CONFIGURING (CF),
                               CANCELLED (CA),FAILED (F), TIMEOUT (TO),
                               PREEMPTED (PR), BOOT_FAIL (BF) ,
                               NODE_FAIL (NF) and SPECIAL_EXIT (SE))
scancel  -u user             : cancel all jobs of user user
scancel jobid                : cancel job with jobid
scancel -t PD -u <username>  : cancel all pending jobs of a user
scontrol show job -d <jobid> : show detailed info about a job
scontrol hold <jobid>        : suspend a job
scontrol resume <jobid>      : resume a suspended job



SVN repositories

SVN repositories adminuser

The Hades Subversion (svn , repositories are located at the GSI web-server. Some information about subversion at GSI can be found at The access authentification uses the ORACLE data base of GSI. Read permission is granted anonymously. For commiting code you have to have an account at . This is the same account as used for the documentation of working time or the radiation savety. You do not need to have GSI linux or windows account to get an user account. The user name has to added to the subversion access management. Mail your user name and which directries you want to work with to


Currently available repositories:



Web-front ends of the available repositories:

The GSI IT provides redmine , a web-frontend for the subversion repositories, running on the apache webserver. This web-frontend replaces our old CVS frontend. 

hades svn redmine


Basic use of Subversion:

For the documentaion of subversion see

# checkout a repository

# get full repository from trunk (main branch) into a folder hydraTrans
svn co hydraTrans

# get a directory from the repository trunk (main branch) into a folder hydraTrans
svn co hydraTrans/mdc
# view all commands
svn help

# view help on commands
svn help status
# most usefull commands
# to work on the local working copy

[file] means filename is optional. In this case the commands
apply to all files in the current directory

svn stat    [file]                                        // show local changes (stat=status)
    stat -u [file]                                        // show local changes and changes on the server (-u == in update mode)
svn diff [file]                                           // show modification of a file against a revision
svn add file                                              // schedule a new file for adding. Needs commit afterwards to send it to the repository
svn update [file]                                         // update file to newest revision
svn commit -m "your comment" [file]                       // send file [or all modified files] to repository (requires access permissions). takes the user name from checkout log
svn --username yourname commit -m "your comment" [file]   // send file [or all modified files] as agiven svn user to repository (requires access permissions).
                                                          // helpful to commit from a checkout dir of another user

tkdiff file                                               // show graphical diff of file to svn base revision
tkdiff file -r head                                       // show graphical diff of file to newest svn head revision


HYDRA build system

HYDRA build system adminuser

Base components of the Make system

The Hades build system is compiled of the following Makefiles:

Contains all definitions to build any object     

Contains all rules to build a set of Hydra libraries (so called global build)

Contains all rules to build a single Hydra library      

Contains all rules to build an application based on Hydra

Use it to build any library or application in the Hades software environment based on C, Fortran 77, C++ or Oracle PL/SQL. This has nothing to do with loading libraries in Root's CINT - which is a completely different subject. These makefiles are part of the Hydra distribution and saved in the admin directory of the code tree.


HowTo use existing Makefiles

Variables and settings


Before using the Makefiles to build any Hades software, setup the shell environment. The default settings related to third party software are all defined at the beginning of These frequently used variables have an influence on building Hydra and related software; they can be set in the Makefiles and on command line, or even in both locations:

Call make with the following targets (without any target, 'all' is taken as the default one):




Absolute path to the directory where Hydra is installed - needed if Hydra is not build completely from scratch. An installation consists of the directories




containing all libraries and their header files as well as directory


which keeps the related rootlog*.C macros for loading all Hydra modules. In


itself, the makefiles hades.*.mk are installed.





Absolute path to the directory where private and additional Hydra module versions are installed. Also here, an installation consists of the directories




containing all private libraries and their header files.





Absolute path to the directory where all compiler output files will be located. Default:

./build in case one builds a set of Hydra modules or an application; 

in case one build a single module.





   Absolute path to the directory where all libraries and header files will be installed. Default:

  •        Always 


     in case of applications.    

  •        For one of several modules: 


     - if set.    

  •        Otherwise 


     in case one builds modules using a global makefile and 


     in case one build a single module in the module directory (this refers to the same directory).    



To build Hydra independent from those 3rd party software set the related flag explicitly to


and remove correlated modules in your global Makefile. Otherwise it depends on the default settings defined in the different module Makefiles, which packages are finally used.



   Use Cases and Boundary Conditions


   Building Hydra completely from scratch:

  •        Somewhere, there is a directory - let's call it hydra here - which must contain a global Hydra Makefile (which builds all modules), and the hades.*.mk Makefiles. All module directories e.g. base or pid are sub-directories to hydra.    
  •        Set HADDIR to hydra, e.g. 

    export HADDIR=/path/to/hydra


  •        Unset MYHADDIR - to inhibit mixture of versions, because there shouldn't be private modules, yet.    
  •        These steps are done automatically in the global default Makefile.    
  •        Now do:

    make; make install INSTALL_DIR=/wherever/you/want/to/have/it



   Building a set of private Hydra modules:

  •        Set HADDIR      to the global Hydra installation location, where basically all modules should be installed.    
  •        Set MYHADDIR to your private installation location if you have already some local modules you want to use.    
  •        Write your own reduced global Makefile (see below).    
  •        In the directory, to which the modules to be compiled are sub-directories, do:    

    make; make install



   Building a single module:

  •        Set HADDIR      to the global Hydra installation location, where basically all modules should be installed.    
  •        Set MYHADDIR to your private installation location if you have already some local modules you want to use.    
  •        Either do

    make; make install

     in the module directory, or execute

    make MODULES=dir-name; make install MODULES=dir-name

     using your global Makefile - MODULES=dir-name is only needed, if you want to override the list of modules which is defined in your global Makefile.    


   Building an application:

  •        Set HADDIR     to the global Hydra installation location, where basically all modules should be installed.    
  •        Set MYHADDIR to your private installation location if you have already some local modules.    
  •        In the application directory, do:

    make; make install INSTALL_DIR=/wherever/you/want/to/have/it

    , typically 




   Take care, that you don't mix different library (Hydra) versions while building modules!

  •        All modules must be sub-directories of the directory which contains the global Makefile (if one was used at all). This Makefile can then be used to build all those modules.    
  •        All modules and applications keep dependencies to libraries internally; including the full path as it was found while linking the library ("rpath" mechanism). This can be checked using the 



  •        To use just global modules (from /misc/hadessoftware/install) do:

    unset MYHADDIR


  •        To use just local (private) modules install all in MYHADDIR.    
  •        Local or private modules are always preferred of global ones (MYHADDIR always beats HADDIR).    
  •        To temporarily use a module from global location, deinstall it locally:

    make deinstall MODULES="dir-name ..."

           The re-installation is very fast, since it is just copied from the build directory.    

  •        The hades.*.mk Makefiles are placed in HADDIR by default (see below).    



   Call make with the following targets (without any target, 'all' is taken as the default one):




   Is an alias for 'build'


This target is independent of all other targets and checks the filename and directory structure of your project.





   Create the dependency files. If this target was not executed, then the files are created during the 'build' step, automatically. Creating the dependencies is much faster than building objects, and will therefore uncover some possible problems much faster.




   Build all libraries/modules/applications


Install the libraries/applications and corresponding header files such, that they are ready for usage by CINT.





   Creates the HTML class documentation




   Antagonist of







   Deletes all files but dependencies and sources




   Deletes all files but sources


   How to write new Makefiles


    make -s

               Silent Mode - don't echo commands; just explicit echo commands, as well as warnings and errors are shown    


    make -n

               No Operation Mode - echo all commands but don't execute them. Good debugging feature!    


    make -jX

             Parallel Build - process X modules/files in parallel (it turned out, that in case one builds a Hydra library, 2 jobs per CPU/Core is the optimum, otherwise 1 job per CPU/Core is enought)    


    make -f file 

    Use 'file' as input makefile

    make -p

    Print database of variables and rules - nice feature for debugging Makefiles (Hint: Better redirect the bulk output to a file)     

  •        +=                 Append a value to a variable    
  •        ?=                  Sets a variable to a value only if it's not already set: This gives you the option to override settings via shell environment - variables set on the command line always have the highest precedence.    
  •        :=                   Sets a variable by evaluating the right side immediately    
  •        =                    Sets a variable by evaluation the right side in the moment the variable is used (this give you the possibility to bequeath changes of settings via different variables)    


   Example of a global Makefile

MODULES ?= base mdc ora
                                                                                                include $(HADDIR)/
                                                                                                ### possibly override default or append new definitons here
                                                                                                include $(HADDIR)/
                                                                                                ### possibly override default or append new rules here


   These lines describe a Makefile which builds the modules 'base', 'mdc' and 'ora'. Each module must have its own Makefile. If one uses '?=' as assignment operator, then one has the possibility to override the list of modules to be build on command line, e.g. with "make MODULES=mdc" just the module 'mdc' is build.
   While building Hydra not completely from scratch, you will need at least HADDIR pointing to the correct installation!

   The global makefile is a good place to introduce hard-wired private settings. It's better not to change module makefiles, e.g. since temporary changes in several modules might lead to errors if they were forgotten to be changed back or synchronized. Here is an example of some common manipulations of default settings/behaviour:


MODULES     ?= base mdc ora
                                                                                                BUILD_DIR   := /tmp
                                                                                                INSTALL_DIR ?= /home/my/install 
                                                                                                USES_RFIO    := yes
                                                                                                USES_GFORTRAN := yes
                                                                                                USES_CERNLIB := yes
                                                                                                USES_ORACLE  := yes
                                                                                                include $(HADDIR)/
                                                                                                .PHONY:  default
                                                                                                default: build install
                                                                                                include $(HADDIR)/


   If you type 


, this makefile actually does the same things as described above, but it uses /tmp as build directory for all modules, an alternativ installation directory which can be altered via environment settings and does execute the installation automatically after a successful compilation of the modules.



   Example of a module Makefile

LIB_NAME     := MyLib
                                                                                                SOURCE_FILES := file2.pc file3.c file4.f
                                                                                                USES_RFIO    := yes
                                                                                                USES_GFORTRAN := yes
                                                                                                USES_CERNLIB := yes
                                                                                                USES_ORACLE  := yes
                                                                                                include $(HADDIR)/
                                                                                                ### possibly override default or append new definitons here
                                                                                                include $(HADDIR)/
                                                                                                ### possibly override default or append new rules here


   These lines describe a Makefile which builds the library ''. This library is made of 4 objects written in C++, Oracle PL/SQL, C, and Fortran 77 (in this order). It uses RFIO explicitly (currently only done by modules base, rfio and htools - otherwise this flag is not needed), parts of CERN library and Oracle. Here, it is not necessary to set USES_ORACLE, since the build system recognizes the usage of an Oracle precompiler file (ending '.pc'). However, it is a good style to use it explicitly if needed.


   Example of an application Makefile

APP_NAME     := myapp
                                                                                                SOURCE_FILES := file2.pc file3.c file4.f
                                                                                                USES_RFIO    := yes
                                                                                                USES_GFORTRAN := yes
                                                                                                USES_CERNLIB := yes
                                                                                                USES_ORACLE  := yes
                                                                                                include $(HADDIR)/
                                                                                                # override default list of linked Hydra libraries - before they can act on the rules
                                                                                                HYDRA_LIBS := -lHydra -lMdc
                                                                                                include $(HADDIR)/
                                                                                                ### possibly override default or append new rules here


   These lines describe a Makefile which builds the application 'myapp'. The program is made of 4 objects written in C++, Oracle PL/SQL, C, and Fortran 77 (in this order). It uses RFIO explicitly (currently only done by modules base, rfio, htools and the DST macros - otherwise this flag is not needed), parts of CERN library and only the Hydra libraries 'Hydra' and 'mdc' - otherwise almost all libraries are used by default (see Here, it is not necessary to set USES_ORACLE, since the build system recognizes the usage of an Oracle precompiler file (ending '.pc'). However, it is a good style to use it explicitly if needed.



Software installation locations

Software installation locations adminuser

Software distribution

The software for the the desktop machines (debian10), as well as the interactive batch nodes and virgo3 cluster is hosted and distributed via cvmfs (Cern Virtual Machine File System). cvmfs distributes the files to local caches in in each node. When using cvmfs for the first time it can take a while until the files are copied. Once copied, the software should load faster. For debian8 and debian10 software installations for Hydra, Hgeant and more are provided.  

From the shell

/cvmfs/ (debian8)
/cvmfs/ (debian10)

shows the installations available at GSI.
The install path keeps the root versions used and in the corresponding versions path
the depending hydra, hgeant and pluto installations. The corresponding environment
scripts ( can be found in the application directory. The software is compiled
native 64bit. 32bit compatibility mode is not supported anylonger on the GridEngine


/cvmfs/ /cvmfs/ // parameter files /cvmfs/ // source code of hydra2+hgeant2 for browsing

/cvmfs/ // parameter files /cvmfs/ // source code of hydra2+hgeant2 for browsing


Old software

In 2012 hydra was upgraded to hydra2. hydra2 is not compatible to data prior 2012. The
latest ported version of hydra and hgeant has are installed on the  /cvmfs/
and can be used to work on the current operating systems build ontop of ROOT 5.34.34.

/cvmfs/ (debian8)