Examples for Pluto as a quick converter
Examples for Pluto as a quick converter adminuserAll examples can be combined and adapted.
Output of a reaction to ASCII
This can be done by the echo-command:
PReaction my_reaction("_T1=2.2","p","p","p p eta [dilepton [e+ e-] g]");
my_reaction.Output("eta_dalitz.lst","px=[eta]->Px(); py=[eta]->Py(); pz=[eta]->Pz(); echo $px,$py,$pz");
Reading of an ASCII file and conversion to a TNtuple
Text files can be read with the readline-command. The pattern in the curly brackets is similar to scanf. The target variables are defined with the @-prefix.
Keep in mind that the variables in the ntuple are filled automatically if the branches match the defined variables by name.
TFile *f = new TFile("ntuple.root", "RECREATE");
TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple", "data", "px:py:pz");
PReaction my_reaction;
my_reaction.Input("eta_dalitz.lst", "readline{@px,@py,@pz};");
cout << my_reaction.Loop() << " events converted" << endl;
Reading of an ASCII file and projection of the content to a histogram
The text file can be read, new variables can be calculated and projected to histograms:
TH1F *pt = new TH1F("pt","",20,0,1);
PReaction my_reaction;
my_reaction.Do(pt,"_x = sqrt(px*px + py*py)");
cout << my_reaction.Loop() << " events projected" << endl;
Reading of an ASCII file and conversion to PParticles
PReaction my_reaction("eta_file");
my_reaction.Do("myeta = P3M(px,py,pz,eta.mass); myeta->SetID(eta.pid); push(myeta)");
cout << my_reaction.Loop() << " events converted" << endl;
Conversion of a TNtuple to ASCII
This is quite simple, as the branches in the input ntuple are used as variables.
TFile *f = new TFile("ntuple.root");
PReaction my_reaction;
my_reaction.Output("eta.lst","echo $px,$py,$pz");
cout << my_reaction.Loop() << " events converted" << endl;
Conversion of an UniGen file to a TNtuple
This is a more complex example, how Pluto can be used to read UniGen files. UniGen has a lot of converters for (e.g.) UrQMD and HSD, therefore these files can be feed into Pluto by the UniGen input.
TFile *f = new TFile("dileptons.root", "RECREATE");
TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("dileptons", "data", "ee_mass");
PReaction my_reaction;
my_reaction.AddBulk(new PUniGenInput("eta_dalitz_unigen.root"));
my_reaction.Do("ee_mass = ([e+] + [e-] )->M();");
cout << my_reaction.Loop() << " events converted" << endl;
*Version 5.37.4 (dev),
Download archive
Download archive adminuserVersion 6.01 of 11/06/2018
- Mirror1: GSI (access restriced)
- Mirror2: Github
Version 6.00 of 17/05/2017
- Mirror1: GSI (access restriced)
- Mirror2: Github
The following versions are only available inside GSI
Version 5.02 of 03/07/2007
Version 5.11 of 11/11/2007
Class Index Tutorials Release notes
Version 5.12 of 27/11/2007
Class Index Tutorials Release notes
Version 5.13 of 29/01/2008
Class Index Tutorials Release notes
Version 5.14 of 18/02/2008 (branched)
Class Index Tutorials Release notes
Version 5.14.1 of 19/02/2008
(branched, last 5.1x version)
Class Index Tutorials Release notes
Version 5.21 of 21/01/2009
Class Index Tutorials Roadmap Release notes Contributing authors References
Version 5.22 of 27/02/2009
Class Index Tutorials Roadmap Release notes Contributing authors References
Version 5.23 of 17/04/2009
Class Index Tutorials Roadmap Release notes Contributing authors References
Version 5.24 of 18/05/2009
Class Index Tutorials Roadmap Release notes Contributing authors References
Version 5.25 of 12/06/2009
Class Index Tutorials Roadmap Release notes Contributing authors References
Version 5.25.1 of 29/06/2009
(last 5.2x version)
Class Index Tutorials Roadmap Release notes Contributing authors References
Version 5.31 of 28/09/2009
Class Index Tutorials Roadmap Release notes Contributing authors References
- Many plugins (some of them are still in development)
- New makefile
- Some changes for quasi-free reactions
- Changed standard seed to the systime
Known problems:
- pd → He η does not work
- Bulk decay sometimes overwrites parent
Version 5.32 of 14/10/2009
Class Index Tutorials Roadmap Contributing authors References
News: (for details see Release notes)
- Adding instream particles via batch command (see new demo macro)
- General purpose file format for acceptance filters (demo macro still missing)
- Added more strangeness particles
- New aliases (e.g. Delta0(1232) for D0)
- Added fairroot plugin (see README)
Known problems (fixed in 5.33):
- Bulk classes in the pdm are not working
- Embedded particle still shows problems
Version 5.33 of 04/11/2009
Class Index Tutorials Roadmap Contributing authors References
Version 5.34 of 19/01/2010
Class Index QA-plots Tutorials Contributing authors References
News: (for details see Release notes)
- Many plugins (e.g. pn scattering)
Version 5.35 of 09/07/2010
Class Index QA-plots Tutorials Contributing authors References
News: (for details see Release notes)
- Many plugins (e.g. pn scattering)
- Changed standard seed to the systime
- N-body phase space (N>3) with 1 unstable hadron
- PlutoScript has been finalized
Version 5.36 of 24/09/2010
Class Index QA-plots Tutorials Contributing authors References
News: (for details see Release notes)
- Correct phase space for Resonance to N + gamma
- Moved some variables to batch space
- Added demo FF models in eta_decays
- Fixed some bugs, in particular the slow omega bug in the fireball macro
Version 5.37 of 04/01/2011
Class Index QA-plots Tutorials Contributing authors References
News: (for details see Release notes)
- Collider experiments are working
- New reaction parser (supports beam tilt)
- Fixed some severe problems with PBatch
- Link from data base values to PBatch
- Added PSimpleVMDFF with customized vmd-equations
- Added mass correlator to genbod
- Finished basic work for the rare eta decays
Version 5.38 of 15/07/2011
Class Index QA-plots Tutorials Contributing authors References
News: (for details see Release notes)
- PDalitzDistribution can use histograms as input
- Batch script enhanced by multi-purpose ASCII input (readline command) and output (echo)
- New plugin: pdg code and unigen input (reading UniGen events, see converter link above)
- Added more Dalitz decays of resonances
- Standard dilepton rho shape changed to hard cut at 2-pion threshold
Version 5.40 of 03/11/2011
Class Index QA-plots Tutorials
News: (for details see Release notes)
- Added PAnyDistribution which works as a general purpose rejection distribution using batch script equations.
- Fixed bug: _w was not written back to the stream particles.
- Added build-in ->GetBeam() and ->GetTarget() methods in PBatch
Version 5.41 of 13/11/2012
Class Index QA-plots Tutorials
News: (for details see Release notes)
- Added new resonances in pdg-plugin
- Added SetRapidityDistribution(TF1 *) to PFireball
- Added Set/GetEnhanceChannelBR which allows to scale the "branching ratio" for bulk decays.
- Added else command for the script language
- Added new PScatterCrossSection class for q vs. cos(theta) sampling
- Added PF1/PF2/PF3 Pluto functions.
Version 5.42 of 13/03/2013
Class Index * QA-plots * Tutorials
News (since v5.41): (for details see Release notes)
- Bug fixes
Version 5.43 of 21/07/2015
Class Index * QA-plots * Tutorials
News (since v5.42): (for details see Release notes)
- Bug fixes, in particular:
- Fixed bug for thermal photons, and enabled 1-dimension thermal sampling functions in PFireball.
- Fixed bug in omega -> mu+mu-pi0 decay
- Added bulk interface to PChannelsSee demo macro.
- Added PDensityMatrix to convert densities (from ASCII file, like HSD) to particles. See demo macro.
- Added plugin for transport simulation of particles through a beamline including beam detectors
- Added GetRandom(X,Y) methods
Version 5.44.4 of 17/05/2017
Class Index * QA-plots * Tutorials
News (since v5.43): (for details see Release notes)
- Bug fixes only
Version 6.00 of 17/05/2017
Class Index * QA-plots * Tutorials
News (since v5.xx): (for details see Release notes)
- Changed to ROOT6
- Switched to cmake
- New directory structure and code cleanup