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  • Subthreshold Ξ- Production in Collisions of p(3.5..GeV)+Nb 
    G. Agakishiev et al. 
    Phys.Rev.Lett. 114 (2015) 212301 [INSPIRE] [Link] [Preprint]
  • Study of the quasi-free np → np π+ π- reaction with a deuterium beam at 1.25 GeV/nucleon 
    G. Agakishiev et al. 
    Phys.Lett. B750 (2015) 184-193 [INSPIRE] [Link] [Preprint]
  • K*(892)+ production in proton-proton collisions at Ebeam=3.5 GeV 
    G. Agakishiev et al. 
    Phys.Rev. C92 (2015) 024903 [INSPIRE] [Link] [Preprint]
  • Partial Wave Analysis of the Reaction p(3.5GeV)+p → pK+Λ to Search for the "ppK" Bound State 
    G. Agakishiev et al. 
    Phys.Lett. B742 (2015) 242-248 [INSPIRE] [Link] [Preprint]
  • Highlights of Resonance Measurements With HADES 
    E. Epple et al. 
    EPJ Web Conf. 97 (2015) 00015 [INSPIRE] [Link]
    Resonance Workshop at Catania (RSN@CT), 3-7 Nov 2014, Catania, Italy 
  • New data on the quasi-free np → np π+ π- and np → pp π+ π0 reactions at 1.25 GeV With HADES 
    A. Kurilkin et al. 
    PoS (Baldin ISHEPP XXII)120 (2015)
  • Investigating hadronic resonances in pp interactions with HADES 
    W. Przygoda for the HADES Collaboration 
    EPJ Web Conf. 97 (2015) 00024 [INSPIRE] [Link]
    Resonance Workshop at Catania (RSN@CT), 3-7 Nov 2014, Catania, Italy 
  • Backtracking algorithm for lepton reconstruction with HADES 
    P. Sellheim for the HADES Collaboration 
    J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 599 (2015) 012027 [INSPIRE] [Link]
    3rd FAIR NExt generation ScientistS (FAIRNESS 2014), 22-27 Sep 2014, Vietri sul Mare, Italy