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Publications in 2006 

  • The front-end electronics for the HADES RPC wall (ESTRELA-FEE). 
    D. Belver et al. 
    Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl 158 (2006) 47-51. [INSPIRE]
    8th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Seoul, Korea, 10-12 Oct 2005. 
  • New RPC front-end electronics for HADES. 
    Alejandro Gil et al. 
    Published in *Valencia 2006, Electronics for LHC and future experiments* 407-411 [INSPIRE]
    12th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and Future Experiments (LECC 2006), Valencia, Spain, 25-29 Sep 2006. 
  • Measurement of the di-electron mass spectrum in 12C + 12C collisions at 2A GeV by HADES 
    R. Holzmann for the Hades collaboration 
    Nuclear Physics A774 (2006)727 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    18th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2005 (QM 2005), Budapest, Hungary, 4-9 Aug 2005. 
  • Hadrons in dense matter: From HADES to PANDA 
    W. Kühn for the HADES and PANDA collaborations 
    Acta Physica Polonica B37 (2006)129 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    29th Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics: Nuclear Physics and the Fundamental Processes, Piaski, Poland, 30 Aug - 6 Sep 2005. 
  • Hades experiment: di-lepton spectroscopy in p+p (2.2 GeV) and C+C (1 AND 2AGeV) collisions 
    W. Przygoda et al. 
    Acta Physica Polonica B37 (2006) 139 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    29th Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics: Nuclear Physics and the Fundamental Processes, Piaski, Poland, 30 Aug - 6 Sep 2005. 
  • Dilepton spectra from HADES. 
    H. Strobele for the collaboration 
    Acta Phys.Hung. A25 (2006) 249. [INSPIRE]
    21st Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Breckenridge, Colorado, 5-12 Feb 2005. 
  • Probing dense baryonic matter with dileptons. 
    J. Stroth for the collaboration 
    J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 50 (2006) 389. [INSPIRE]
    5th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP 2005), Salt Lake City, Kolkata, India, 8-12 Feb 2005. 
  • Measurement of the Di-Electron mass spectrum in 12C + 12C collisions at 2-AGeV by Hades 
    M.Sudol for the collaboration. 
    AIP Conf. Proc. 842 (2006) 165 [INSPIRE]
    Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC 05), Santa Fe, New Mexico, 24-28 Oct 2005. 

Publications in 2005 

  • Dilepton analysis in the HADES spectrometer for C+C at 2A GeV 
    J. Bielcik et al 
    Journal of Physics G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 31 (2005)S231 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    Hot Quarks 2004: Workshop for Young Scientists on the Physics of Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (HQ'04), Taos Valley, New Mexico, 18-24 Jul 2004. 
  • Di-electron measurements in C+C reactions at 2 GeV*A with HADES 
    T. Eberl et al. 
    Nuclear Physics A752 (2005)443 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    International Nuclear Physics Conferences (INPC 2004) 
  • Dilepton analysis in the hades spectrometer for 12C+12C at 2 AGeV 
    J. Otwinowski et al. 
    International Journal of Modern Physics A vol.20 No.2-3 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    MESON 2004: 8th International Workshop On Meson Production, Properties And Interactions, 4-8 Jun 2004, Cracow, Poland 
  • Probing of in-medium hadron structure with HADES 
    P. Salabura et al. 
    Nuclear Physics A749 (2005)150c [INSPIRE] [Document]
    18th Nuclear Physics Division Conference: Phase Transitions in Strongly Interacting Matter, Prague, Czech Republic, 23-29 Aug 2004. 

Publications in 2004 

  • A large area timing RPC prototype for ion collisions in the HADES spectrometer 
    H. Alvarez-Pol et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A535 (2004)277 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    10th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, Austria, 16-21 Feb 2004. 
  • Performance of shielded timing RPCs in a 12C fragmentation experiment 
    H. Alvarez-Pol et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A533 (2004)79 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    7th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2003), Clermont-Ferrand, France, 20-22 Oct 2003. 
  • The HADES Pre- Shower Detector 
    A. Balanda et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A531 (2004)445 [INSPIRE] [Document]
  • Dielectron Spectrometry with HADES 
    P. Finocchiaro and P. Salabura for the Hades collaboration 
    Nuclear Physics News v.14 No.3 (2004)27 [INSPIRE] [Document]
  • The HADES tracking system: First in-beam experience 
    K. Kanaki et al. 
    IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. V.51 No.3 (2004)939 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    13th IEEE - NPSS Real Time Conference (RT 2003), Montreal, Canada, 18-23 May 2003. 
  • Charged hadrons and leptons identification at HADES 
    A. Kugler et al. 
    Acta Physica Slovaca v.54 No.4 (2004)375 [INSPIRE] [Document]
  • Particle Identification at HADES 
    A. Kugler for the Hades collaboration 
    Nuclear Physics A734 (2004)78 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    8th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN 2003), Moscow, Russia, 17-21 Jun 2003. 
  • Investigation of deposition parameters for VUV reflective coatings on the HADES RICH mirrors. 
    P. Maier-Komor, J. Friese, R. Gernhäuser, J. Homolka, R. Krucken, S. Winkler 
    Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A521 (2004) 35. [INSPIRE]
  • The HADES tracking system 
    C. Müntz et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A535 (2004)242 [INSPIRE] [Preprint] [Document]
    10th Vienna Conference On Instrumentation, 16-21 Feb 2004, Vienna, Austria 
  • Study of e+,e- production in elementary and nuclear collisions near production threshold with HADES 
    P. Salabura et al. 
    Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics Vol53 (2004)49 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    International School on Nuclear Physics: 25th Course: Heavy Ion Reactions from Nuclear to Quark Matter, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 16-24 Sep 2003. 
  • Studying in medium hadron properties with HADES 
    P. Salabura et al. 
    Acta Phys. Polonica vol.35 No.3 (2004)1119 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    28th Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Krzyze, Poland, 31 Aug - 7 Sep 2003. 

Publications in 2003 

  • Measurement of pi0-induced leptons with the HADES RICH detector 
    T. Eberl et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A502 (2003) 305 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    4th Workshop on RICH Detectors: Dedicated to the Memory of Tom Ypsilantis (RICH 2002), Pylos, Greece, 5-10 Jun 2002. 
  • Photon detection efficiency in the CsI based HADES RICH 
    L. Fabbietti, T. Eberl, J. Friese,  R. Gernhäuser, J. Homolka, H.-J. Körner, M. Münch, and B. Sailer, for the HADES collaboration 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A502 (2003) 256 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    4th Workshop on RICH Detectors: Dedicated to the Memory of Tom Ypsilantis (RICH 2002), Pylos, Greece, 5-10 Jun 2002. 
  • A new carbon based VUV mirror of high radiation length for the HADES RICH 
    J. Friese,  R. Gernhäuser, P. Maier-Komor, and S. Winkler 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A502 (2003) 241 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    4th Workshop on RICH Detectors: Dedicated to the Memory of Tom Ypsilantis (RICH 2002), Pylos, Greece, 5-10 Jun 2002. 
  • Performance of the HADES Ring Recognition Hardware 
    J. Lehnert et al. 
    Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 502 261 (2003) [INSPIRE] [Document]
    4th Workshop on RICH Detectors: Dedicated to the Memory of Tom Ypsilantis (RICH 2002), Pylos, Greece, 5-10 Jun 2002. 
  • A Highly Selective Dilepton-Trigger System Based on Ring Recognition 
    A. Toia et al. 
    Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 502 270 (2003) [INSPIRE] [Document]
    4th Workshop on RICH Detectors: Dedicated to the Memory of Tom Ypsilantis (RICH 2002), Pylos, Greece, 5-10 Jun 2002. 

Publications in 2002 

  • The HADES time-of-flight wall 
    C. Agodi et al. 
    Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A492 (2002) 14-25. [INSPIRE] [Document]
  • Development of low-mass drift chambers for the HADES Spectrometer 
    H. Bokemeyer et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A477 (2002) 397. [INSPIRE] [Document]
    5th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors (PSD 5), London, England, 13-17 Sep 1999. 
  • Design and Commissioning of the GSI pion beam 
    J. Diaz et al. 
    Nucl Inst and Meth A478 (2002) 511 [INSPIRE] [Document]
  • VUV reflective coatings on thin concave float glass substrates with a perimeter of 86 cm to be used as provisional HADES RICH mirror segments 
    P. Maier-Komor, J. Friese,  R. Gernhäuser, J. Homolka, A. Kastenmüller, H.-J. Körner, A. Ulrich, and K. Zeitelhack 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A480 (2002) 65 [Document]

Publications in 2001 

  • The multi-level trigger system of the HADES detector. 
    Ingo Fröhlich et al. 
    Published in *Berkeley 2001, Nuclear physics in the 21st century* 952-956 [INSPIRE]
    International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2001): Nuclear Physics and the 21st Century, Berkeley, California, 30 Jul - 3 Aug 2001. 
  • Electron positron pair spectroscopy with HADES at GSI. 
    P. Salabura for the collaboration 
    Published in *Cracow 2001, Threshold meson production in p p and p d interaction* 153-164 [INSPIRE]
    Symposium on Threshold Meson Production in p p and p d Interaction (COSY-11), Cracow, Poland, 20-24 Jun 2001. 

Publications in 2000 

  • Development and Design of Analogue Read-Out Electronics for HADES Drift Chamber System 
    E. Badura, Y. Zanevsky, S. Chernenko 
    Particles and Nuclei, Letters No.1, 98 (2000) 73 [INSPIRE] [Document]
  • Lepton identification with the CsI based RICH of HADES 
    M. Böhmer et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A471 (2000) 25 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    International Conference on Imaging 2000, Stockholm, Sweden, 28 Jun - 1 Jul 2000. 
  • Lepton Pair Spectroscopy with HADES at GSI 
    J. Friese, for the HADES collaboration 
    Hadron and Nuclear Physics with Electromagnetic Probes, Elsevier Sience BV, 2000, p. 4 [INSPIRE]
    2nd KEK - Tanashi International Symposium on Hadron and Nuclear Physics with Electromagnetic Probes, Tanashi, Tokyo, Japan, 25-27 Oct 1999. 
  • Test of cerium fluoride crystals 
    I.E. Gursky et al. 
    Instrum.Exp.Tech.43:31-35,2000, Prib.Tekh.Eksp.43:36-41, 2000 [INSPIRE]
  • High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer - Tool for Study of Hadron Properties in the Nuclear Medium 
    A. Kugler 
    Czech Journ. Phys. 50/S2 (2000) 72 [INSPIRE]
    12th Indian Summer School on Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics: Hot and Dense Matter (RHIP 99), Prague, Czech Republic, 30 Aug - 3 Sep 1999. 
  • Time of flight measurement system for the HADES wide-aperture dielectron spectrometer. 
    N.V. Rabin et al. 
    Instr. Expr.Tech.43, 4 (2000) 435-452 [INSPIRE]
  • The 2nd Level Triger System of the HADES Detector 
    M. Traxler et al. 
    IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 47 (2000) 376 [Document]
    11th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference (Santa Fe 99), Santa Fe, New Mexico, 14-18 Jun 1999. 

Publications in 1999 

  • Development and Investigations of Low - Mass Multilayer Drift Chambers (MDC-2) for the Inner Part of the HADES Spectrometer 
    S. Chernenko et al. 
    JINR Rapid Communications 5-99 (1999), in Russian only
  • Dense and hot nuclear matter: Spectrometry of dielectrons with HADES. 
    P. Finocchiaro for the HADES collaboration 
    Nuovo Saggiatore 15N5 (1999) 34. [INSPIRE]
  • Materia nucleare densa e calda: spettrometria di dielettroni con HADES 
    P. Finocchiaro for the HADES collaboration 
    Il Nuovo Saggiatore vol.15 no.5-6 (1999) 34, in italian only [Document]
  • Studying In-Medium Hadron Properties with HADES 
    J. Friese for the HADES collaboration 
    Progr. in Part. and Nucl. Physics 42 (1999) 235 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    International School of Nuclear Physics: 20th Course: Heavy Ion Collisions from Nuclear to Quark Matter (Erice 98), Erice, Italy, 17-25 Sep 1998. 
  • Enhanced Quantum Efficiency for CsI Photocathode Layers Grown on Special Substrate Films and Cured in Medium Vacuum 
    J. Friese et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A438 (1999) 86 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    19th World Conference of the INTDS (International Nuclear Target Development Society): Nuclear Targets: Theory, Preparation, Characterization, and Use, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 5-9 Oct 1998. 
  • HADES, the New Electron-Pair Spectrometer at GSI 
    J. Friese for the HADES collaboration 
    Nucl. Phys. A 654 (1999) 1017c [Document]
  • Cesium Iodide Photon Converter Performance in a Gaseous RICH Detector 
    R. Gernhäuser et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A438 (1999) 104 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    19th World Conference of the INTDS (International Nuclear Target Development Society): Nuclear Targets: Theory, Preparation, Characterization, and Use, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 5-9 Oct 1998. 
  • Fast detector readout for the HADES-RICH 
    A. Kastenmüller et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A433 (1999) 438 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    3rd International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detector (RICH 98), Ein Gedi, Dead Sea, Israel, 15-20 Nov 1998. 
  • Ring recognition in the HADES second-level trigger 
    J. Lehnert et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A433 (1999) 268 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    3rd International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detector (RICH 98), Ein Gedi, Dead Sea, Israel, 15-20 Nov 1998. 
  • Experience with the UHV box coater and the evaporation procedure for VUV reflective coatings on the HADES RICH mirror 
    P. Maier-Komor, R. Gernhäuser, J. Wieser and A. Ulrich 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A438 (1999) 152 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    19th World Conference of the INTDS (International Nuclear Target Development Society): Nuclear Targets: Theory, Preparation, Characterization, and Use, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 5-9 Oct 1998. 
  • The Di-Electron Spectrometer HADES at GSI: a Status Report 
    C. Müntz for the HADES collaboration 
    Nucl. Phys. B 78 (1999) 139 [Document]
  • Quantum Efficiency of Cesium lodide Photocathodes in the 120 nm to 220 nm Spectral Range Traceable to a Primary Detector Standard 
    H. Rabus et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A438 (1999) 94 [Document]
  • Status and physics perspectives of the new dilelectron spectrometer HADES 
    J. Stroth for the HADES collaboration 
    Advances in Nuclear Dynamics 5 (1999) 311
  • The HADES RICH Detector 
    K. Zeitelhack et al. 
    Instr. Meth. A433 (1999) 201 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    3rd International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detector (RICH 98), Ein Gedi, Dead Sea, Israel, 15-20 Nov 1998. 

Publications in 1998 

  • The Time of Flight Wall for the HADES Spectrometer 
    C. Agodi et al. 
    IEEE Transactions on Nucl. Science 45, Nr. 3 (1998) 665 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    IEEE 1997 Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC), Albuquerque, NM, 9-15 Nov 1997. 
  • Do extreme conditions of nuclear matter influence particle properties? Summary of the HADES project. 
    A. Balanda for the collaboration 
    Heavy Ion Phys. 7 (1998) 119-130. [INSPIRE]
    Conference on Exotic Nuclear Shapes, Debrecen, Hungary, 12-17 May 1997. 
  • Development of a fast pad readout system for the HADES shower detector 
    A. Balanda et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A417 (1998) 360 [INSPIRE] [Document]
  • A 32 channel TDC on a VME board 
    R. Bassini, C. Boiano, S. Brambilla, C.Carriero, M.Malatesta 
    IEEE Transactions on Nucl. Science 45, Nr. 3 (1998) 858 [Document]
  • A Low-Mass Drift Chamber System for the HADES Spectrometer 
    F. Dohrmann et al. 
    Acta Phys. Polonica B29 (1998) 3189 [INSPIRE]
    Workshop on the Structure of Mesons, Baryons, and Nuclei, Cracow, Poland, 26-30 May 1998. 
  • Optimisation of low-mass drift chambers for HADES 
    C. Garabatos et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A412, (1998) 38 [INSPIRE] [Document]
  • The HADES dilepton spectrometer 
    C. Garabatos for the HADES collaboration 
    Nucl. Phys. B 61B (1998) 607 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    5th International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics (COMO 96), Como, Italy, 7-11 Oct 1996. 
  • In-Medium Modifications of Hadron Properties in Relativistic heavy Ion Collisions 
    A. Kugler, A. Tikhonov, P. Tlustý, A. Taraninko, V. Wagner, R. Pleskaè 
    Acta Polytechnika 38 (1998) 47
  • Recent test results and status of the HADES detector at GSI. 
    J. Ritman for the collaboration 
    Published in *Snowbird 1998, Advances in nuclear dynamics 4* 311-317 [INSPIRE]
    14th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Snowbird, Utah, 31 Jan - 7 Feb 1998. 
  • A Versatile Dielectron Trigger for Nucleon-Nucleon and Nucleus-Nucleus collisions 
    R. Schicker, M. Axiotis and H. Tsertos 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A413 (1998) 213 [INSPIRE] [Preprint] [Document]
  • HADES spectrometer: Physics motivation and first tests of detectors. 
    A. Tikhonov for the collaboration 
    Czech.J.Phys.48S1:115-126,1998. [INSPIRE]
    International School / Workshop for Young Physicists: Physics of Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions: Recent Results and Future Perspectives (RHIC 97), Prague, Czech Republic, 1-5 Sep 1997 
  • The Time-of-Flight Detector for HADES 
    P. Tlustý, A. Tikhonov, A. Kugler, T. Marek, A. Taranenko, R. Pleskaè 
    Acta Polytechnika 38 (1998) 49

Publications in 1997 

  • Reconstruction of Track Parameters in Multi Wire Drift Chambers 
    A. Balanda 
    Acta Phys. Slovaka 47, No 5 (1997) 417
  • Modern Electron and Positron Spectrometers - Selected Aspects of a Broad Field 
    H. Bokemeyer, J. van Klinken, P. Salabura 
    in: Experimental Techniques in Nuclear Physics, D.N. Poenaru and W. Greiner, eds.
    Walter de Gruyter + Co, Berlin (1997), p. 189 [INSPIRE]

Publications in 1996 

  • Photon detector performance and radiator scintillation in the HADES RICH 
    R. Gernhäuser et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A371 (1996) 300 [INSPIRE] [Document]
    Prepared for 2nd International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detectors (RICH 95), Uppsala, Sweden, 12-16 Jun 1995. 
  • Dilepton Spectroscopy with HADES at SIS 
    P. Salabura 
    Acta Phys. Polonica B27 No 11, (1996) 3095 [Document]
  • HADES-A high acceptance dielectron spectrometer 
    P. Salabura for the HADES collaboration 
    Acta Phys. Polonica B27 No 1-2 (1996) 421 [INSPIRE]
    24th Mazurian Lakes School of Physics: Topics in Nuclear and High-energy Atomic Physics, Piaski, Poland, 23 Aug - 2 Sep 1995. 
  • Simulation studies of the HADES first level trigger. Part 1: Performance in heavy ion induced reactions. 
    R. Schicker, Haralabos Tsertos 
    UCY-PHY-96-14, Sep 1996. 27pp. [INSPIRE] [Preprint]
  • Simulation studies of the HADES first level trigger. Part 2: Performance in hadron induced reactions. 
    R. Schicker, Haralabos Tsertos 
    UCY-PHY-96-15, Sep 1996. 10pp. [INSPIRE] [Preprint]
  • Acceptance and Resolution Studies for the Di-Electron Spectrometer HADES at GSI 
    R. Schicker et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A380 (1996) 586 [Preprint] [Document]
  • Simulation of recoilless production of mesons 
    W. Schön, H. Bokemeyer, W. Koenig, V. Metag 
    Acta Phys. Polonica B27, No 11 (1996) 2959 [INSPIRE]
    Workshop on Production, Properties and Interactions of Mesons (MESON 96), Cracow, Poland, 10-14 May 1996. 
  • Dilepton spectroscopy with HADES at SIS. 
    J. Stroth et al. 
    Acta Phys.Polon. B27 (1996) 3095-3102. [INSPIRE]
    Workshop on Production, Properties and Interactions of Mesons (MESON 96), Cracow, Poland, 10-14 May 1996. 

Publications in 1995 

  • Pattern Recognition for the HADES RICH 
    A. Brenschede 
    Czech. Journ. Phys. 45 (1995) 645 [INSPIRE]
    International School / Workshop for Young Physicists: Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-23 Sep 1994. 
  • Neutral meson production in relativistic heavy ion collisions: From TAPS to HADES 
    W. Kühn 
    Czech. Journ. Phys. 45 (1995) 537 [INSPIRE]
    International School / Workshop for Young Physicists: Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-23 Sep 1994. 
  • Preparation of reflective CsI photocathodes with reproducible high quantum efficiency 
    P. Maier-Komor et al. 
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Physics Research A362 (1995) 183 [Document]
  • Test of a RICH prototype detector with solid photocathode for HADES. 
    H. Pfaff for the collaboration 
    Czech. Journ. Phys. 45 (1995) 673 [INSPIRE]
    International School / Workshop for Young Physicists: Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-23 Sep 1994. 
  • HADES - a high acceptance di-electron spectrometer 
    P. Salabura et al. 
    Nucl. Phys. B44 (1995) 701 [Document]
    4th International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics, Como, Italy, 3-7 Oct 1994.